Having photos on your walls and in albums is as important as having dishes to eat on, and chairs to sit in. Portraits are memories. They capture that moment in time when you could hold your little one in two hands, that moment that same little one graduates preschool, high school, and college. That moment when your baby, agrees to marry the love of their life. That moment when they too hold their little one in just two hands. Yes, photography is an investment. It is something that should be considered a household staple. Investing in photography is investing in your family.

As an exclusive photographer I travel throughout the South East United States. If you are interested in a session, please email me at jenniferhamric@yahoo.com.
My average client spends $800 or more from start to finish.
My average client spends $800 or more from start to finish.
A session will last one to two hours.
Each session will yield approximately 75 to 125 final images.
Sessions are at a limited availability. Please contact me for details.
Sessions are at a limited availability. Please contact me for details.